Amplify Your Creative Power Through Ancestral Connection

Written By - Rebecca Lemke

Creativity and imaginative thinking are what sets us, humans, apart from other beings in nature. 

We cook food, use tools, and clothe ourselves thanks to the ingenuity of our ancient ancestors. 

Our natural creative power keeps us curious and helps us grow and evolve. 

We all have access to an endless well of creativity within ourselves as well as through unseen realms, so why do so many consider themselves to not be a “creative person”? 


The nature of humanity is creativity and yet when we let judgment creep in or are disconnected from our roots, we feel we are blocked from this gift. We compare ourselves to others, overlook or downplay our creative contributions, even deny the reality of our creations. 

The truth is, we are always creating whether or not we realize it. 

We’re creating relationships, patterns of behavior or thought, our home and lifestyle. The choices we make moment by moment, day by day take form as the life we live. 

So how can we tap into this well and take ownership of our creative power?

We can start by connecting with our ancestors and spirit guides, asking them to help us release judgment and supply us with inspiration. Connecting in this way opens our minds and begins to clear the way for our creative power to flow through us, bringing passion, play, and pleasure to our lives as we grow. 

Releasing judgment means becoming mindful of the thought patterns that do not serve our creative power and letting them pass without becoming identified with them. 

“I can’t do this, I am not good enough, this doesn’t look right, that’s just not for me, nothing goes my way, what gives me the right?” 

Are these thoughts familiar to you? 

That is because these are the messages we receive all the time from the patriarchy and from capitalism, from the oppressive society we were raised to survive in. These are the thoughts that seemingly protect us from overstepping our boundaries or making a fool of ourselves.

These thoughts feel protective, but they are the thoughts that keep us small and separate us from our right to own our power. Becoming aware of these thoughts as society’s messaging, and letting them pass with the wind helps us realize that they aren’t our truth. 

Our truth lies within the fullness of that well from which our ancestors drew inspiration.


Just like our ancestors, we have infinite access to creative ideas that can shape the way we live our lives, serve others and define our future. Through the ages, each generation took inspiration from their predecessors, added their own creative power, and birthed something new. 

Soon we had stories, art, music, and technology forging society as we now know it. We can continue this creative growth pattern by connecting with our own lineage through relationships, research, or simply by reaching out energetically. 

With our imagination, we can tap into the energy that drove our ancestors to create, sense into that energy to find it within ourselves, and express it in our present-day lives.

Once we’ve begun to clear judgment and connect with our ancestry, we can take ownership of our creative power by infusing it with intention. 

With our intuitive connection, we develop a meaningful purpose that we can use to guide our decision-making. This is how we begin to create the relationships, patterns, and lifestyles that we want to grow and see in the world. 

With intention, we have the chance to forge the future of our lineage and of society with love, compassion, equity, and solidarity.

How are you using your creative power? What thoughts and messages get in the way of your creative expressions? What ancestral energy is calling to be expressed through you? Are you intentional about what you are creating in this world?

For more on the power of imagination and creative exploration, check out this episode of the Earth Speak podcast featuring intuitive herbalist Chanelle Bergeron. If you want to know more about connecting with your ancestry, listen here as herbalist and medicine woman Raven Rose discusses ancestral dreamwork.

If you want to take your spiritual practice deeper, consider joining a community of like-hearted people who get you. Earth Speak now offers a sacred social networking app where you can connect with others who are carving out their own paths on this spiritual journey we call life.

This article was brought to you by the Earth Speak Collective.

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