Healing The Witch Wound [blog + exercise]

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While we're always connected to the otherworlds of nature and spirit, there are times of the year where the veil grows thin. No matter which hemisphere you find yourself in, that time is now (Samhain in northern hemisphere, Beltane in southern hemisphere).

What's been coming through for me is awareness, healing, and a reclaiming around what I call the Witch Wound. In reading the story below, perhaps you may recognize this Witch Wound in you, too.

I've also shared an exercise below you can do right now to reclaim your power and purpose from this pain. This exercise will help you begin to support and be supported by your community through sharing your true gifts.

Please comment here or comment on this Instagram post and let me know how this lands for you or if you have any stories, shares, or questions!

🔥 The Witch Wound 🔥

One of my greatest desires is to support my community with my gifts and in return be supported by my community. However, there has been no clear path, no title, no role that I could just work my way towards realizing this dream, as my gifts of working with spirit and the earth have no particular title or place in the modern world.

All this time as I've been finding my way to bring my dream to fruition, deep within me there's been this fear that supporting my community and being supported by them would somehow destroy me and that it isn't safe.

Last week, while chatting with my mom, she shared about her own struggles with answering her inner calling and sharing with the world. I realized her story held the same energetic patterns as my own blocks and fears. I could see how I had inherited this from her and from a lineage of who knows how many women who carried these same fears.

Then in my meditation yesterday I had a visceral full-body knowing that connected the dots between my fears, my mom's story, and the burning times when folks who supported their communities with help from spirit and the earth were labeled as evil witches and burned.

They were banned from and even killed for supporting their communities and being supported by their communities.

No wonder I and others like me have struggled to find their way into being a valued part of community through sharing our gifts to support others.

Through generations our nervous systems and our beliefs have told us IT’S NOT SAFE.

We’ve lost the connection to the energetic patterns that say it IS ok, it IS safe, you ARE valued, your support to your community IS real, you ARE worthy of receiving in exchange for what you offer.

So here we are now, you, me, us… learning how to tap into that place of safety and support within, so we may bring our gifts to the outer world and truly support ourselves and our communities with what we have to offer, no matter if this is something you do for a living or something that flows through your everyday life.

This is for you, for us, for our ancestors, for the future, and for the earth.

It’s time.

🔥 Healing the Witch Wound, an Exercise 🔥

Use this journaling + rewiring exercise to show your nervous system that it is okay, it is safe.
Ask yourself these prompts and answer from your uncensored honest heart. It doesn't have to make logical sense!

1) What do I most desire to give or share with the world?

2) What do I most desire to receive?

3) Just feel into this and take an energetic snapshot of your awareness... Ask yourself, what is the energy of this giving and receiving? Feel it.

4) What am I afraid or concerned might happen if I were to give and receive these gifts with the world?

5) Is it true that these fears or concerns would likely happen?

6) After answering prompt 5, return to the energy of giving and receiving that you tapped into in prompt 3. Feel it.

7) Allow yourself to replace that fear with the feeling and energy of the giving and receiving from prompt 3 anytime you find yourself getting caught in fear.

You CAN rewire your subconscious from your conscious everyday awareness by replacing feelings of unfounded fear with feelings of gratitude or with the energy of what you're calling in, try it.

While trances, hypnosis, and other tools are helpful, this simple practice is also a powerful method for shifting subconscious beliefs and neural pathways that keep you locked in old patterns of fear. You can use this at any time in any place, so try it now and remember it when you find yourself caught in a fear spiral!

8) You can wrap this all up by asking your spirit guides and helpers, whether for you spirit guides means love, the divine, one spirit guide, many guides, your higher self, etc...

...Ask them for insights, clarity, next steps and support with bringing the energy of this giving and receiving into form.

Bonus: If you have any favorite tools for doing deeper transformation, use them to take your integration and transformation of what you tapped into here even further. The sky's the limit!

Please, comment here or comment on this Instagram post and let me know how this lands for you or if you have any stories, shares, or questions!

You've got this.


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