Four Rituals To Embody Your Elemental Power

Is your intuition guiding you to deepen your relationship with nature?

Written By - Rebecca Lemke

The elements are living energies that carry wisdom and power. The complexities of the elements are constantly at play within and around us, influencing our lives moment by moment. 

Here is a simple guide to how Earth, Air, Water, and Fire are at work within your body. In this guide, you will find suggested rituals to embody these energies and affirmations to stay connected throughout your day, or anytime you feel so guided by your intuition.

Rituals can be adjusted to your level of comfort. Take what resonates with you, add to it as you see fit, and leave the rest. Let your intuition be your guide.




All of the bones and muscles, organs and tissues, cells, and all the way down to the subatomic particles that make up our bodies are a part of Earth. These are the parts of us that we are born with, that grow with us, and that carry our essence throughout our lives. 

Just like Mother Earth, the Earth-based parts of our bodies hold us and provide support for our functioning. These parts are our base for feeling a sense of groundedness and for communicating our needs.

Embody Earth Ritual - Self Massage

  • Invoke Earth energy by saying out loud or in your heart “I welcome Earth energy” or “I now call in the spirit of Earth”. With gratitude in your heart, with or without oil, gently rub in a circular motion all the different parts of your body. Let your intuition guide you through this process.

  • Start with your temples, ears, neck, and shoulders. Move down your arms to your hands and fingers, giving your muscles gentle squeezes along the way. Make large circles around your chest and abdomen, sides, and as much of your back as you are able to reach. Give your hips gentle squeezes and continue the circles and squeezes all down your legs to your feet and toes.

  • Infuse your body with Earth energy by letting that be your intention as you touch each part of your body. Thank each body part for the ways in which it holds and supports you.

  • Close the ritual by thanking Earth with a slight bow of the head or with palms to heart

Earth Affirmations
I embody Earth with gratitude.
My body holds me.
I am grounded and supported.
I meet my needs with love.




The majority of our bodies are made up of water. Water moves throughout our bodies and provides the flow through which oxygen and nutrients travel. Water regulates our temperature inside and out and it flushes our bodies of toxins, cleansing us from the inside. 

We are nourished, energized, balanced and purified through water. 

Water also connects us to our cyclical nature as it reacts within our bodies to the moon cycle, like the tides of the ocean. 

We swell up as both nourishment and toxins perform their tasks, we release and rid ourselves of that which is not serving us, then we recede, opening ourselves to receive what we need to function and to manifest.

Embody Water Ritual - Drink the Moon

  • During the new moon fill a cup of water and take it outside with you. Wrap your hands around the cup so that both palms are touching its walls. Invoke Water energy by saying out loud or in your heart “I welcome Water energy” or “I now call in the spirit of Water”. Do the same with invoking the moon.

  • Set an intention and infuse it into the water by imagining it flowing out of your heart, down your arms, and through the palms of your hands. Ask the moon to boost the growth of this intention.

  • Close your eyes and imagine what it will feel like once your intention has manifested itself into your life. Allow yourself to hold those sensations in your body as you slowly and mindfully sip the water. Drink until the cup is empty, then close the ritual by thanking Water and Moon with a slight bow of head or palms to heart.

  • Drink plenty of water over the next two weeks and be mindful about how it feels going into and then out of your body. Take a pause during showers to sense Water cleansing you and bringing you into balance. Notice when your body feels swollen, particularly in your hands, feet and abdomen and remember your intention. Pay attention to the moon as it waxes.

  • During the full moon, fill a cup of water and take it outside with you. Wrap your hands around the cup so that both palms are touching its walls. Invoke Water energy by saying out loud or in your heart “I welcome Water energy” or “I now call in the spirit of Water”. Do the same with invoking the moon.

  • Ask Water and Moon spirits to help you release any blocks that might be getting in the way of your intention manifesting, then slowly and mindfully take a drink of the water.

  • Pour a little offering of water onto the earth. Keep drinking until you’ve finished the water, then close out the ritual by thanking Water and Moon with a slight bow of head or palms to heart.

Water Affirmations
I embody Water with intention.
Nourishment and resources flow to me with ease.
I release that which is no longer serving me.
My body flows intuitively with nature’s cycles.




Air flows in and out of our lungs through our respiratory tract and fills the cavities of our sinuses. It creates space within our bodies for vital exchanges of gas and for the acoustics of sound. The hollow spaces allow sound to resonate and our breath brings in oxygen, which is our life force at the cellular level. 

Our cells are energized and we feel a sense of vitality when our breath is distributed throughout our bodies. Air provides clear space to express and receive messages, and for our life force to enter.

Embody Air Ritual - Deep Breathing

  • Invoke Air energy by saying out loud or in your heart “I welcome Air energy” or “I now call in the spirit of Air”. Ask Air to clear your mind of unhelpful thoughts.

  • Breathe in slowly through your nose, sending your breath deep into your body until your lungs are full. Hold it for one second, then slowly release through pursed lips until you’ve emptied your lungs. Try to make your exhale twice as long as your inhale. Repeat for 3-5 breaths, noticing any changes in your body. 

  • Ask Air for any messages it has for you and maintain a state of curiosity while you do 3 more deep breaths.

  • Allow your breathing to return to normal and keep your mind and heart open to absorb anything that might come through. If nothing comes right away that’s ok, just keep tuning into your intuition for the next few days and keep a journal handy to write or draw any messages that show up.

  • Close the ritual by thanking Air with a slight bow of the head or with palms to heart.

Air Affirmations
I embody Air with curiosity.
I welcome life force energy.
I am open to receiving messages from the universe.
My breath brings vitality.




Fire is experienced in the body as heat. Energy is consumed, broken down and stored so that it is readily available when needed. It is then burned up to provide movement, to fuel emotion, and to terminate harmful microbes. 

Fire lights us up. It motivates and sustains, defends and refines, protects and empowers. It can also consume us if we let it. To master the embodiment of Fire we must learn to tolerate the heat without getting lost in it. 

If we harness the energy of Fire with reverence, we can channel it in the direction of our choosing.

Embody Fire Ritual - Ignite the Inner Flame

  • Have a candle and something to write with ready and invoke Fire energy by saying out loud or in your heart “I welcome Fire energy” or “I now call in the spirit of Fire”.

  • Briskly rub your palms together until they begin to emit heat, then pull them apart slightly while cupping them. Sense into the energy generated between your palms. Do this again and pull the energy into your chest, infusing it into your heart with a deep breath. Feel the power of your inner Fire. Allow your intuition to guide you as you repeat this process as many times as you feel called.

  • Now, light the candle and witness how it illuminates the space around it. Notice how the wax melts as Fire slowly burns away at this energy source. Notice how the wick holds the flame, centered and still despite its constant dancing.

  • Sit with the dancing flame as long as you feel called to, then write or draw any observations that come to you. Close the ritual by thanking Fire with a slight bow of the head or with palms to heart and blow out the flame.

Fire Affirmations
I embody Fire with reverence.
My inner flame fuels and sustains me.
I utilize the fire inside of me with wisdom.
My heat shields and ignites my heart.

This article was brought to you by the Earth Speak Collective.

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