Module 2: Deep Noticing + Inner Alchemy Ritual


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scroll to the bottom for bonus meditations


Setting the Vibe

Here's a song to help you groove as you learn to move through inner resistance.


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Identifying with the Physical Plane of Existence

The physical plane is what we can touch, see, taste, smell and hear. The energetic and spiritual planes of existence is that of which we can’t touch, see, taste, smell and hear. When we look around this plane of physical existence and get caught in the mundane, then we may loose site of what is beyond our senses.

Resistance often arises when we over identify with the physical plane. Thoughts of ‘how can this happen, why is this happening?’ arise and you begin to imagine possibilities without the potential of magic, the unknown.

We can’t imagine the magic of the universe. When we get caught in this physical plane (as shared with you in the recording, I too can get caught only seeing what I see, working with clients. I can too forget to align with the higher divine consciousness which is beyond my senses.

So this brings up the question of - ‘how can we surrender into the unknown?’ ‘What is our core idea or belief of how this universe works?’ Because my gift is one of sight, it is active when I am in relation to another or something that may be outside of me like a tree, or the wind. I can feel what its’ gift is, what its’ medicine is.

When it’s just me in a room, looking at the physical reality, I may lose site of the mystery, and it is that mystery that we are surrendering into - that we are trusting in… which is honestly why it is so challenging, because it isn’t something tangible. In many ways, it is the unnamable.

The stronger our meditation practices are, the more we connect with the unseen realms, and to our individual self, and to collective higher consciousness, then the more we are able to surrender to it.


Bonus Meditations

Standalone Guided Noticing Practice + Inner Alchemy Ritual from Module 2


Coming Home to Your True Nature



It’s Ok to Feel


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